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[WEBINAR] Managing emotions at work
Suggested by O'ona Souissi, Founder of CAREER ON PURPOSE
Changes in the department, budget cuts, tensions between colleagues, intense pressure - all these can give rise to a variety of negative emotions, such as anxiety, anger or demotivation. Sometimes, the frustration is so great that we may want or need to quit our job, or abandon projects that are so dear to us. But that's not always the best solution. And even when it is, or when we're already 4 in transition, it goes without saying that, until we've developed this ability to manageemotions - your own and those of others - you run the risk of limiting your evolution, because you'll come up against the same obstacles again a little further down the road. It can therefore be beneficial, both for yourself and for the people you lead, to learn how to manage these emotions. In this way, you can manage problems before they get out of hand, improve your performance and that of your team, and enhance your relationships. It's all part of self-management and leadership, and can even have a knock-on effect in the personal sphere, as positive emotions are also contagious :) If you're not looking to build armor, but rather to develop your emotional and relational intelligence at work, join us for this webinar.
Founder of CAREER ON PURPOSE, O'ona Souissi, helps international leaders, executives and experts build a career that makes sense. To help you clarify your options and make important career decisions, you'll find 3 free downloadable frameworks at
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Thursday 4 April 2024
- 14:00
(GMT +1)
Online event
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