Events calendar
Parenthèse Conference - From field to plate
Three farmers from the north of France will be talking about their production and processing facilities at the parenthesis conference on Thursday December 9. They are all ISA alumni and have been farming for at least 10 years, and will be telling you all about their daily lives as part of tomorrow's agriculture:
- Stéphane Brabant (ISA 1996), Farmer at SCEA BRABANT
- Antoine Willefert (ISA 2004), Farmer at La ferme du Bourcheuil
- Isabelle Deram (ISA 1993), Farmer at La Bellevue
La Parenthèse is a series of conferences organized by JUNIA ALUMNI and the JUNIA Career Center, with the support of student associations (BET and the Parenthèse) to help Junia students (HEI, ISEN, ISA) build their career plans, (re)discover careers or simply whet their curiosity.
NB for students: Registrations on our website are dedicated to virtual participation on a voluntary basis.
To validate a compulsory participation in person, please visit Jobteaser.
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Thursday 9 December 2021
- 19:30
(GMT +2)
Online event
Registration closed
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