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Conferences: La Parenthèse

08 September 2023 School
Viewed 300 times

La Parenthèse is a series of conferences organized by JUNIA ALUMNI and the JUNIA Career Center with the support of student associations (BET and the Parenthèse commission) to help students from all Junia programs (HEI, ISEN, ISA...) build their career plans, (re)discover careers or simply whet their curiosity.

Around 15 conferences are organized throughout the year, andgraduates can attend them from Lille or by videoconference.

Here are the themes for the 2023 - 2024 school year:

Environmental transition: new trends and materials in the construction industry thursday, september 21, 2023 18h
Entrepreneurship thursday, september 28, 2023 18h
Cryptocurrencies and investment Thursday, October 12, 2023 18h
Ecology and energy transition thursday, november 9, 2023 18h
How are digital and new technologies transforming the development of agriculture? Thursday, November 16 18h
Economic and industrial espionage, cybercrime: what if it were you? thursday, november 30, 2023 18h
Testimony of General Dominique ARBIOL; An exceptional woman in a man's career thursday, december 7, 2023 14h30
GPT chat and other chatbots, threat or opportunity? Thursday, January 11, 2024 18h
Feeding the world today and tomorrow: the vision of Sébastien Abis Thursday, January 18, 2024 14h
International careers Thursday, January 25, 2024 18h
Discover BioNanoTech Thursday, February 8, 2024 18h
Innovative textiles for the transition to health and disability Thursday, March 7, 2024 18h
Engineering the vehicles of tomorrow? Thursday, March 14, 2024 18h
The use of new technologies in defense professions Thursday, March 21st 18h
Jobs in aerospace / aeronautics for JUNIA engineers Thursday, April 11, 2024 18h

If you would like to register for one of the themes as a spectator: REGISTER HERE

If you would like to speak on one of these themes, please contact Pauline Bioux .

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